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Need to cancel an order?

Don’t worry it happens.

You can cancel your order anytime, as long as the order status is either “On Hold”, “Pending Payment” or “Processing”.

Once we’re done processing your order, it can not be canceled anymore.

LevelUP and LevelUP Plus Members

For account holders

Guest Order

Don’t have an account?

LevelUP & LevelUP Plus Members


Go to your orders page and click on Cancel Request


Click on “Confirm Cancelation” to send your request.

If you are an account holder, visit your account dashboard, and from there open the “My Orders” tab. Find the order you want to cancel, and click on “Cancel Request”. A pop-up menu will show on your screen, click confirm cancelation and done.

Ordered as a guest?

Please fill in this form to request a cancellation of your order. Once submitted it may take up to 48 hours for your order cancellation to be completed. Once done, you will be notified by email.

Guest Order Cancelation Request

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