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If you’re trying to make an in-app purchase using your Google Play Balance, you’ve probably been seeing this error recently 

“Couldn’t complete your transaction, Gift cards can only be used in the country they were purchased”.

Turns out, you are not alone. More and more users are reporting the same error to Google since June 16th, 2021. Google’s first response was, “they’ve updated their terms”, but now even U.S. users that bought gift cards in the U.S. using a U.S. credit card are having the same issue. This error is caused by Google and can only be fixed by them. 

You can redeem a gift card, but after the gift card is added to your balance, you won’t be able to use it. It doesn’t matter where you live or where you bought the gift card. Even if you try using a VPN (for people living abroad) you will still get the same error.

It is for this reason, we’ve decided to stop selling Google Play Gift cards, for now. This decision is to prevent more people from losing their money to Google. Google Play gift card will remain unavailable until further notice.


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